Yamaha A4000

Jay Vaughan jayv at synth.net
Tue Sep 4 18:20:27 CEST 2012

> Is there any owner of Yamaha Ax000 sampler?

I have an A5000 and two A3000's.

> I'm looking for a way of transferring cdrom samples to internal hard disk.
> My problem is that I don't have scsi cdrom :(
> Is there any way to do it from Mac or PC?

You need a SCSI connection to your sampler, and then you need a program called "Disky", which I wrote some 15 years ago, to do just this task .. ;)

(I don't have it, since I left Windows a decade ago.)

Failing that, using some sort of SMDI transfer to the sampler also works .. 

Jay Vaughan

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