More yums: novation

Joost Schuttelaar joost at
Sat Sep 1 16:25:29 CEST 2012

On 1 sep. 2012, at 15:58, Gert van Santen <g.vansanten at> wrote:

> On the other hand: piano action? Piano sounds? So boring.

Very! But also nice sometimes! :) but what's best about them is that you get a lot more out of your velocity range... on regular keys when I play I always am very coarse velocity-wise (say everything is between 80 and 127), but here it's really easy to play from very quiet to very loud. Hitting 127 takes a bit of effort! :) Filter cutoff mapped to velocity is a lot more fun on piano action than synth action keys :)

PS: Gert, you have an odd reply-to header when e-mailing to the -bar. When I hit reply it goes to you instead of the -bar.


Joost Schuttelaar
The Hague, NL

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