Disney buys Star Wars

Gert van Santen EMAIL HIDDEN
Wed Oct 31 00:11:49 CET 2012

Op 30-10-2012 23:52, Tony Scharf schreef:
> Agreed.   Lucas was a hack.  An unbelievably lucky hack.
> On Oct 30, 2012 5:51 PM, "James Coplin" <james at ticalun.net
> <mailto:james at ticalun.net>> wrote:
>     I actually think it could be an improvement.  Lucas has done
>     a really poor job with the franchise in my ever since Return
>     of the Jedi.  The new films are awful, he refused to release
>     the films on new media as it became available, when he did
>     release them he went and “improved” them further ruining
>     them, and behaved like a scolded child when the fans called
>     him for it.  I’m happy to say “So long George, don’t let the
>     door hit you in the ass on the way out.”

True. I'm looking forward to see what someone else can make of 
the Star Wars Universe :-)

gert van santen

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