
Peter Korsten EMAIL HIDDEN
Thu Oct 11 17:11:29 CEST 2012

Op 11-10-2012 11:02, Joost Schuttelaar schreef:

> On 11 okt. 2012, at 10:13, Jay Vaughan <jayv at synth.net> wrote:
>> Okay, so .. iPhone5.  Apps updated, no worries there, new screen real-estate is nice and oh man, so fast.  But .. is it just me .. or is it kind of a meh experience, all-round?  Dunno.  Sure is a nice demo platform right now, anyway.
> Yeh! Meh! That is my feeling as well. It's super super nice though, but boring... the perfect phone.

If you want exciting, get Android. Apple is predictable. I'm not saying 
that that is a bad thing, but it *is* boring.

- Peter

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