Amsterdam in May

Gert van Santen g.vansanten at
Sat May 26 02:00:38 CEST 2012

Hi all,

We had an awesome evening at Joost and Heather's place. Joost cooked us a very special curry that was probably the second hottest I have ever eaten. Kudos!!!

Also, we enjoyed a lovely sunset from the 32nd floor with several wonderful bottles of wine, and it wasn't even really hot in the appartment because of the floor cooling.

Although Jay had to work sort of late in Amsterdam, he still managed to arrive an hour before I had to get on the last train back to Wageningen. What a very special hour that was. I hadn't seen Jay in 5 or 6 years; the last time must have been in Recklinghausen at Jay's last music-bar meet. I'm glad we both made it, and thanks for walking me back to the station :-)

Joost and Heather, thanks again for being the perfect hosts.


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