New Track - Blood Red Blues

Gorman, Declan dgorman at
Thu Mar 15 14:04:23 CET 2012

Thanks for listening Gert and giving your feedback.  I always wished I had your ears. :-)

-----Original Message-----
From: Gert van Santen [mailto:g.vansanten at] 
Sent: 15 March 2012 11:53
To: Music-bar
Cc: Gorman, Declan
Subject: Re: New Track - Blood Red Blues

Op 15-3-2012 12:36, Gorman, Declan schreef:
> Hey all,
> I've been away from the bar for a while and what better way to
> come back than to introduce some new music. This is a track that
> I did with a friend from a band called Luminous Black who did the
> vocals. It's a rough first edit and I can see where it needs some
> work but give me your thoughts anyway.

Interesting track. I like it.

I think the piano is too much in your face. I would try and give 
the piano a lot of reverb, lose a bit of 2kHz and see how the 
lead vox might do without so much verb.
Some of the second voice parts in the beginning, as well as the 
oo-whoo-hoo-hoos are a bit off.
Also the piano sounds very quantized and "velocity 90" all the 
time, if you catch my drift. A bit of variation might be cooll.


gert van santen

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