More great Floating Point learning ..

Tony Hardie-Bick tony at
Sat Mar 10 14:14:02 CET 2012

On 10/03/12 12:12, Jay Vaughan wrote:
> Wow, a really, really good set of articles on the subject:
> Nice reading for this sunny Saturday afternoon here in Vienna ..

I know what you're all thinking... you're all thinking "Hey, I had no idea that 
floating point had so many idiosyncracies, inaccuracies and downright weirdness. 
What if I want to compute the number theoretic tensor structure of a wormhole 
linking the core of our galaxy to a neighbouring 5-brane universe (for example)?".

No problem. gp is a command-line calculator written by number theorists:

I have been using it in a full screen terminal instead of an ordinary calculator:

gp -q [invokes gp without any startup message]
\p 1000 [selects 1000 digits of precision]
Pi [shows the value of pi]

and because it's written by number theorists, strange things happen to fractions 
(among other things):

3/27 [shows 1/9]

a whole new universe!

\? [help]
\q [quit]

Have a great weekend!

Tony (HB)

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