Zira Synth (PicoWave) is Out!!

Gert van Santen g.vansanten at upcmail.nl
Thu Jun 14 12:11:37 CEST 2012

Op 14-6-2012 11:11, punkdISCO schreef:
> Not sure if Mr Maddox has posted this yet but, just noticed his
> Zira is now available:
> http://vacoloco.net/synths/zira/index.shtml
> Sound great, Paul.. Love the Depeche Mode demo track and the
> filter demo is very impressive!!
> http://vacoloco.net/synths/zira/sounds.shtml
> I sounds every bit as good as any modern mono synth I have
> heard.. Getting one of these rigged up to a permanent controller
> (Novation Zero SL, for example) would give you one hell of a mono
> synth..
> Good stuff..

Yep. Could be a very cool little travel set for jams, those 3 
machines, a bit like the 3 original electribes, just smaller, but 
without the sampler :-)

I just remembered that Dave S. brought a nice case with the 3 
original electribes to a music-bar meet in Recklinghausen once. 
Very nice...

gert van santen

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