Music-bar radio...

Peter Korsten peter at
Tue Jan 31 20:07:41 CET 2012

Op 31-1-2012 12:58, Gert van Santen schreef:

> Op 31-1-2012 12:52, Ron West schreef:
>> where on the east coast will you be Gert?
> I'll fly with Rolf to Toronto, Canada first, for a gig with Wave World
> in Toronto (Harry lilves there).

Ah, cool. I like Toronto. It's remarkably pretty, if you look past the 
homeless people.

> Then we'll have a couple of days for rehearsals, and somewhere the 27th
> of April we might drive to Nazareth or Bethlehem for a gig at one of
> Bill Fox's radio shows (working on that as we speak).

One hell of a drive from the East Coast to the West Bank. ;)

> 28th there will be a gig in Philadelphia and a radio show (Stars End),
> and after that it's back to Toronto.

Well, as others have said already, this is pretty awesome. A Malta gig 
is probably not on the maps?

- Peter

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