Micro Party February 4th - CORRECTION

Gert van Santen EMAIL HIDDEN
Fri Jan 27 15:33:25 CET 2012

Op 27-1-2012 13:24, Mikael Hansson schreef:
> On 25 jan 2012, at 22:18, Gert van Santen wrote:
>> It's looking like there's only a few people who will be able to make it anyway.
>> I'm looking forward a lot to meeting Joost and Heather, of course, but I understand that for most people it's difficult to just come over for 1 night.
>> Who knows, I might organize a midsummernight music-party in July or an end-of-the-world-fest on december 21st...
> Hi Gert,
> I won't make it next week, but I would definitely make some room for a Wageningen summer party!


gert van santen

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