
Peter Korsten EMAIL HIDDEN
Sat Jan 21 12:55:44 CET 2012

Op 20-1-2012 0:27, Paul Maddox schreef:

>    I'm working on one, called JuJu which will take 3 ROMs, currently in my test unit I have the Linn LM-1, Oberheim DMX and simmons SDS-V roms. There's a few demos on
>    Assuming I get it fully working, It'll be available as a kit and you'll be able to buy additional ROMs from Chris Strellis :)
>    I have a way to go with it yet, I'm busy with head in Zira trying to finish that first.

So how would this work? You'd put the kit in some kind of box, and then 
control it via MIDI or pads or something?

- Peter

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