Volume knob... line mixer?

Sat Jan 21 00:03:08 CET 2012

On 20.01.2012 10:48, Joost Schuttelaar wrote:
> So I got my new desk setup, and dusted off my Tannoy Active Reveals
> to use again as monitor speakers. One thing: they don't have a level
> pot, just an on/off switch. I wanna add something so I can easily
> control the volume from my MacBook Pro (not software based...).
> What's small and decent, to hide somewhere on the desk? Don't need to
> plugin anything extra, although I'd probably get a small line mixer
> too in the near future for my synths (get rid of the big rack one).

I'm using a Presonus Monitor station that sits comfortable between my 
screen and the keyboard. It might be a bit larger that what you're 
looking for, but I like the flexibility to manage multiple inputs, the 
monitor speakers and headphones as well.


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