Doepfer Dark Time

Peter Korsten EMAIL HIDDEN
Sat Jan 14 22:09:27 CET 2012

Op 14-1-2012 20:41, Martin Naef schreef:

> There's plenty of mission critical infrastructure with strict real-time
> requirements out there that's based on Ethernet. Some of the major nodes
> of the European power system, for example... It's perfectly possible to
> have a wonderfully stable music control system based on Ethernet. But
> why bother when we have MIDI that works already?

Just Ethernet, or TCP/IP as well?

Anyway, MIDI is a fantastic standard - how many connection standards 
other than L/R stereo and power do you know that are still in use since 
the eighties? - but it would be nice to have a one-cable-does-all approach.

- Peter

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