
Tue Jan 10 22:12:32 CET 2012

On 10/01/2012 16:44, Christian Borg wrote:
> Yeah, that might very well be true.
> But then again people believe a whole lot of things, good or bad
> depending on who you ask.

Some company directors believe they can park multiple company vehicles 
in your reserved residential parking spaces, and think they can bang on 
your door loudly and repeatedly early in the morning to argue that they 
have the right to do so, because they are the DIRECTOR and they SAY SO, 
after you have already told the fat bastard indefatigably they are in 
contravention of the highway code sect 241 and simple common sense 
(don't ask. I _hate_ preaching regulations and laws, but it's either 
that or I smash their windows, slash the tyres, pour something caustic 
over the bonnet or smear cat shit under the handles, which all take some 
energy and planning ;)

Some people believe that money has 'real' value and is not simply a tool 
to enslave us all and keep the true wealth under the control of a few 
confidence tricksters.

Some people believe that if the Queens fizzog or coat of arms is on 
something, it somehow gives it greater worth or authority (does it f'ck)

Some people believe you absolutely have to answer your phone, or open 
the door, or answer mail from other people claiming to have authority 
over your soul, your wealth, your health or your sanity, when the simple 
fact is, you don't. The rule that no response is tacit consent to their 
will is just utter bullshit. No means no :)

I can already tell 2012 is going to be an interesting, yet 
confrontational year of me against the idiots and chancers...

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