Moog Minitaur

Tue Jan 10 21:23:55 CET 2012


>> Tempest wasn't a small box ;)
> Hey, if you could build it for less than £2200, I might get one. ;)

sadly, now, I think I could build it for less... I've learned a LOT in the last 5 years or so, plus technology has moved on. Alas, Hartmann is no longer in business.
And at some point I will make this beast (the sounds on the webpage are from the prototype voice board).

> No, that it's just a PCB with pots. Or maybe there's a small box around it, but I remember that one project of yours that was a very small sequencer, and I never saw a box.

GorF -
It did get a box, an acrylic one, the idea was to keep it "small, simple and affordable".

> But it's the synth I've always wanted, because I just love it despite all its faults, and it's relatively rare, and it's mine, and it's such a joy to switch it on, see it do its little light show with the LEDs, and have all these wonderful sounds come out of it.

So in this case, sound over aesthetics?

> Nah, you're not talking drivel, but it's a bit hard to explain what draws me to an instrument. I have it a bit with model trains as well, which nowadays have reached a level of detail that is almost scary. There's one French or Walloon manufacturer that even modelled the fire extinguisher in the cabin of a loco maybe eight inches long (which in reality is 17.6 metres long and weighs 80 metric tons). It's just a thing of beauty, that I want to look at and touch.

yep, and that's what I need.. when Axel Hartmann did the case for Tempest I was like "wow, awesome", but I've no idea how to recreate that "wow" factor.

> And this is why I just don't "get" software synths. No doubt they work more convenient, and have loads more features, and you just need a laptop instead of half a truck of synths and roadies. But they don't work for me, because there's not the physical connection. The whole "unplugged" scene from the nineties is testament to the fact that you don't need a ton of technology to create music, sometimes even great music.

I think that's why I don't like them either.... there's just something missing, something "counter intuitive" to me.

Thanks for all the input guys, it's very much appreciated.


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