Moog Minitaur

Gert van Santen EMAIL HIDDEN
Mon Jan 9 17:28:12 CET 2012

Op 9-1-2012 17:21, Tony Scharf schreef:
> On Mon, Jan 9, 2012 at 10:18 AM, Gert van Santen<g.vansanten at>  wrote:
>> Just wondering if it does lead sounds...
> As I understand it, it is optimized for bass sounds, so you don't have
> things like sync or FM that you can do with it.
> Its still a moog though, so you know it is going to have a very wide
> sweet spot. You can probably push it into doing just about anything
> you want (except a full on string ensemble).


 From the few things I heardsaw on YT, it's got that wonderful 
fat Moog sound... Yummy...

And it's SMALL! And it's got those knobs for quick hands-on 
tweaking. Great for music-bar jams.
BTW, I really hope there will be some activity on that front this 


gert van santen

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