watts? Volts? 7331 '7ectronics FAQ

Thu Jan 5 13:17:35 CET 2012

On 05.01.2012 11:46, K9 Kai Niggemann wrote:
> thanks a lot for the help! I will try it out and if it doesn't work,
> I may need to go out diode hunting again. Can you recommend a good
> place where to order? I already know Reichelt and Voelkner, maybe I
> need to go someplace where I can actually ask (no stores like this
> where I live any more)...;)

Farnell has a pretty big selection and is present all over Europe. I 
used Distrelec in the past as well. There is Rapid in the UK, but I 
found them to be quite similar to Reichelt in scope, so there's probably 
not much reason to order from outside Germany in your case.

Asking would be useful, but frankly, I wouldn't know of any shop where 
people could tell you about the specifics of a particular diode... How 
about contacting the original designer of the project you're working on?


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