watts? Volts? 7331 '7ectronics FAQ

K9 Kai Niggemann EMAIL HIDDEN
Thu Jan 5 01:18:15 CET 2012

with zener diodes, what does the watt number mean?

I have one that is 1.3 W, in the schematics it's listed as a 1W. Is this important? they are both 9.1V


With caps, what does the volt number tell me?

I have one cap that is larger than the rest (physically), a 1000 uF 35V. The rest of my caps are 25V. I'm safe, because the voltage signifies the maximum DC voltage the cap can receive without blowing up, right?

in my book it doesn't even reference the watts of a diode, so I'm guessing it's negligible? it says "don't substitute" (because it will influence the sound. In the schematics it's a 1N4739A (Jameco part#: 178837). I have this one: <http://www.reichelt.de/Z-Dioden-1-3W/ZD-9-1/index.html?;ACTION=3;LA=444;GROUP=A422;GROUPID=2994;ARTICLE=23103;START=0;SORT=artnr;OFFSET=500;SID=12Tu6UrH8AAAIAACpKdbU0e58b69190d86ba957598e04aba4f9fa>.

am I in trouble? 



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