Video New Years Eve Party. Was: Re: HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Peter Korsten EMAIL HIDDEN
Tue Jan 3 14:19:06 CET 2012

Op 3-1-2012 2:34, Gert van Santen schreef:

> But what's the problem? It's just a video of the evening.

Perhaps Joost isn't ready yet to come out with the fact that he is, in 
fact, a happy hardcore fan. :)

Funny, here in Malta there's absolutely no tradition of fireworks on new 
year's eve. You may see some, but fireworks aren't sold here.

It's a huge contrast with summer, where each parish has its festa and 
you see the most spectacular fireworks (and loud, my goodness, the 
petards rattle your windows from a couple of kilometres away).

But it's also all orchestrated, and the completely random fireworks 
going up all over town, as you can see in the video, is a nice refresher 
from the organised Maltese (if there ever was a contradiction in 
terms...) way.

- Peter

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