RPM - Mastering - Status
Romain / rXg
xtechcode at gmail.com
Tue Feb 28 21:03:39 CET 2012
Martin ,
Thank you to answer me with very interesting details, it's super
appreciated :)
It's very cool from you to provide me/us how you do in general for
mastering multiple songs all together and from different styles all
On internet i found mostly details and information for mastering but one
track only or individually ...
I never used Samplitude,
I used Cakewalk daws from 2003 till 2007,
I m impress about the result of your work, with no effect from Waves or
UAD,PSP, Manley rings the bell tho ...
but then it s not those devices only who make the result but the talent of
the one who you are using them...
One stupid question : do you 'automate' some effect?
For instance in my song; does the 'second (hard) part' get more
compression than the first part or a different compressor ?)
I guess Paul Punkdisco has one Focusrite Liquid Mix but I m not sure, will
you advice this device to buy for the price and quality of it ?
To come back about my mixing and your advices,
I must make the remark that playing digital instruments only on one song
has its " + " compare to record acoustic stuff only or acoustic and digital
all together,
So first of all I try to record my stuff without noises and clicks then:
I'm mixing first with normal Sony speakers that I know since I'm 14, then
AKG headphone, then my semi professional Tannoy (bass freq are not really
representative with them imo) ... then i turning in round with this
configuration and change details softly...
I'm glad that you told me about the low content cause I used a High Pass
on each track and also when i had to prepare the song for the mastering I
always had one eye on the frequency analyzer ... So after your tip : I
should cut more :P
Anyhow my living room ( where i record and mix)is not acoustically isolated
properly for mixing ...
Of course I can do some installation for the purpose if it s needed but
then my place becomes something not really livable anymore except if music
is your life :)
One more question; (all on your honor )
Did anyone in the past wanted to pay you to master their tracks ? :P
On Mon, Feb 27, 2012 at 8:36 PM, Martin Naef <mnaef at navisto.ch> wrote:
> Hi Romain
> On 26.02.2012 10:43, Romain / rXg wrote:
>> http://rpm.music-bar.org/2012-**02-26%20mp3%20preview/<http://rpm.music-bar.org/2012-02-26%20mp3%20preview/>
>> Thank you Martin,
>> Your work always impress me :)
> You're welcome. It's just a pair of fresh ears that does the trick... ;-)
> Now that you did some work on it what will you advice me to do or to
>> correct for the next time when I'm mixing my own song ?
> I think your mix is fine. You might want to watch the bass a bit - I had
> to cut the low content by quite a bit (actually, that was a problem with
> nearly all tracks) to clean up the mix. It's not easy to spot with regular
> size monitors, but the frequency analyzer made it quite clear, and
> everything sounded better once I applied some high-pass filtering.
> Other than that, you might want to clear a bit more space for vocals in
> the mix, especially during the high-power section. There is not much I can
> do about that at the mastering stage.
> Anyhow I listened to the other tracks they sound very good ...
>> Maybe you mentioned it in the past but what do you use in general for
>> mastering ?
> Software, essentially. I'm using Samplitude for all my mastering tasks
> including the generation of audio CDs.
> I don't always follow exactly the same procedure. For this session, each
> track had its own pair of compressor and EQ from the Focusrite Liquid Mix -
> a DBX 160 and a Manley Massive Passive emulation. Some tracks also used the
> transient shaper from Samplitude (AM-Pulse) - in some case to emphasize the
> attacks, in others to smoothen them a bit.
> In general, compression wasn't set up aggressive, but I applied EQ very
> liberally to force a common sonic footprint.
> The rest of the chain was in the master section and shared the same
> parameters. First, a touch of multi-band compression was applied
> (Cakewalk's LP64). Then back into the Liquid Mix, this time with a LA-2A
> emulation in limiter mode. Next step was a hint of tape emulation
> (Samplitude AM-Track). And finally into the limiter (Cakewalk Boost11).
> None of the compression stages really do a lot - usually just 1-2 dB, 3 if
> it's a bit hot. The final limiter also shaves off only 1-2 dB typically,
> and only on occasion. But in total, the compression adds up quite a bit.
> I have to admit, it was quite a bit of fun to run a larger mastering
> project. It's been a while since I've done anything in the electronic music
> domain.
> (Now, a quick addition, then exporting the project...)
> Martin
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