small, light but good synth for live needed

Gert van Santen g.vansanten at
Sun Feb 19 01:24:42 CET 2012

Op 19-2-2012 1:17, Tony Scharf schreef:
> The novation ultranova would fit the bill.  A little more
> expensive, but a joy to use and a great sound.  Sold mine to buy
> modules, but i would buy again if i had your needs.

Hey, Tony,

Thanks for the idea. I have checked it before, today, and it 
might fit the bill, but it's really at the top end of my budget, 
plus I think it's really ugly...

I will check it again though. Most important things are 
playability and sound, of course - plus it should fit in my 
small(ish) flight case.


gert van santen

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