SSD, hybrid or Velociraptor?

Peter Korsten peter at
Sun Feb 5 22:02:32 CET 2012

Op 5-2-2012 19:24, Jay Vaughan schreef:

> The SSD should be the most-used only stuff, so get whatever you can afford, as small but sufficient and FAST SSD, and put a traditional rust array surrounding it.  I bet you don't use 250gigs of disk space, you just carry it.  Russian-doll style means put the fast, small disk as your most-used data, then image the drive into other traditional drives for 'mode of use' as well as backup/safety.  I can easily boot a small games image on my new macbook, image the disk, put a different one back on again for work, and so on .. mostly though I make do with VM's, which for my ultra-minimal use of Windows really only makes sense in context, I suppose.  But anyway, with SSD and so on, use the system well to mirror things and you probably won't notice much difference when the time comes to put new gamedata on the fast drive, and so on.

Well, that's the point. My "C:\Program Files (x86)" folder is just under 
100 GB in size, and over 95% of that is Steam and its games.

Add some 40 GB user data (a lot of it video clips from GTA IV), and 
whilst Thunderbird could possibly do with less than 4.3 GB, fact of the 
matter is that not an awful lot of stuff can be cut easily. Already I'm 
uninstalling games to save space, and apart from system startup time, 
loading times in games are the greatest nuisance. MW3 takes a 
particularly long time to load levels.

Windows takes almost 24 GB, so probably I need to get rid of some 
restore points. Pagefile 6 GB... not a lot that can be done about that. 
All in all, I could cut away perhaps a couple of tens of GB, but nothing 
to the extend that I could use a 160 GB SSD (of which you'd need to 
leave some 40 GB free, from what I understand).

All data (music, videos, downloaded installation files) are on the 1.5 
drive. Photos are on C, but again, there's only so much you can save there.

Which is why I was considering alternatives to SSD, because they're 
still so expensive.

- Peter

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