Android Apps

Martin Naef mnaef at
Sat Feb 4 13:14:12 CET 2012

Hi Jay

On 04.02.2012 4:56, ibi sum wrote:
> Music making sucks ass in android due to architecture limits, but
> there are some valiant attempts to make some things .. What market do
> you have? (search for synth and mpc sampler)

I remember the discussion. Music isn't really a priority on the phone, 
but I might try a thing or two if I'm bored (e.g. on a plane). Market? 
I'm on the plain vanilla Android experience here (v4)- so I guess it's 
the normal Android market.

> Evernote for note taking is what I use, as well as the delicious
> bookmark manager. Pulse for news reading. And get "fall detector" too
> of course! :)

That's the second recommendation for Evernote. I've downloaded it, but 
haven't tried really.


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