Mac Book Pro for Photoshop?

Jay Vaughan jayv at
Mon Dec 17 10:05:59 CET 2012

> I'm sure there's awesome Macbooks coming next year, but I'm not really interested in that touch interface for my work computer. I've got an iPad for that. Perhaps in 4-5 years :-)

Hey, no question about it - you've got yourself a beast of a machine, and undoubtedly it will serve you well.  I just wanted to add my .2c so that Tony and his lady could have a bit broader perspective to make their decision.  Heck you could spend $300 on a Mac Mini, upgrade it off all rust yourself for $100, and build a kick-ass Photoshop machine, methinks .. although maybe the Mini doesn't have the graphics oomph and portability, yet, it would still be a good holdover until the new shit hits the scene.  Apple are gearing up for a new plateaux with the MBP's ..

One more thing to consider about my .2c worth: I'm anyways personally jumping off the MBP bandwagon and leaving Apple at home.  My new portable machine is going to be something totally badass'er than the MBP when I get it working, and easily upgradeable to boot - in fact, just switch out sticks, and new system done .. ;)  But then, I don't need 100% commercial software compatability (just Android+Ubuntu) and I sure don't mind using Inkscape and Gimp, among a lot of other fresh, new, great things.. on ARM.

Jay Vaughan

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