supercollider triggering
Jon Stutters
jstutters at
Wed Dec 12 12:58:38 CET 2012
There are a lot of options...
I always start out by writing a SynthDef which represents one voice of your synth and exposes whatever parameters you want to manipulate as arguments (e.g. filter cutoff frequency).
You can then use MIDIFunc (or OSCFunc for OSC) to read incoming MIDI data and spawn new voices with the appropriate parameters and could then sequence supercollider with any midi sequencer or play live with a keyboard (look at the doneAction argument of EnvGen to stop voice instances piling up). This is what I've done when I've played live with supercollider recently.
Supercollider also has built in functions for creating patterns (e.g. Pseq) which can be played back synced to a master clock (or midi) and will repeatedly spawn new synths when necessary. MIDIFunc or OSCFunc can be used to manipulate the contents of these patterns on-the-fly or you can livecode the changes (see Pdef). There's a tutorial in the documentation that you can get at by searching for "Sequencing with Patterns".
You could do something a bit more low-level by attaching a function body to a TempoClock and then livecoding changes to that function body - I wrote a bit about that at
You could also blend all those together - a midi controller writing to a set of global variables and supercollider patterns spawning the synths.
You can even use trig pulses from a modular synth to trigger the envelopes of a persistent synth voice instance.
Hope that maybe gives you something to get started with.
On 12 Dec 2012, at 10:06, Marc Nostromo [M-.-n] wrote:
> Hi SC experts,
> I had a quick intro on SC at work last week but I'm still missing
> something for my big picture.
> I understand the concept of the synth building, and playing it from
> the 'editor'. Most of what I've seen is 'one shot' playback.. i.e. you
> setup your synth to play one note, maybe trigger another one. But
> there's little 'playing' aspect.
> How do you guys implement using SC instruments in a broader context
> that might include sequencing/improv/parameter mapping/...
> I'm kind of impressed by the language capabilities but at this point,
> it seems all those wonderful possibilities are tight in an ennoying
> sandbox.
> Thanks for any enlightment.
> Marc.
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