iPad 4

Gert van Santen g.vansanten at upcmail.nl
Mon Dec 3 14:34:01 CET 2012

Hi guys,

My "old" iPad 1 is sort of at its end - filled up to the brim 
with stuff, getting REALLY slow, can't do iOS6, doesn't have a 
camera, too many crashes, etc. Since I'm using it every day since 
I bought it 2,5 years ago, I thought I would get myself a new one :-)

So I just ordered a new iPad 4 with retina screen. I'll be using 
it for photography, music, checking translations and writing (on 
the go) as well as the usual internet stuff and skype/facetime. 
Instead of the phone chip thing (used it only 3 or 4 times with 
the old one) I went for the 64 GB version - lots of space for 
apps, pics, movies, audio and recording/editing.

Anyone else got this iPad? Any ideas, tips, experiences?

PS: looking forward too christmas. I'll have a couple of days off 

gert van santen

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