Ipad 3 charging issue

Romain / rXg xtechcode at gmail.com
Sat Apr 7 13:07:19 CEST 2012

then will you advice me to wait for the next optimized iPad 3 ? :) lol

On Sat, Apr 7, 2012 at 12:58 PM, Joost Schuttelaar <
joost at joostschuttelaar.nl> wrote:

> On Apr 7, 2012, at 11:05 , Romain / rXg wrote:
> > Do you have a big issue with the charging process? It s seems that the
> Ipad3 doesn t charge when is plugged  and used   at the same time ... :-S
> Very conflicted about this one. Yes, it gets warmer. It's quite
> noticeable. But not something that will make the iPad switch off.
> It does require a lot more time to charge. Bigger battery. With my iPad 2
> I was very sloppy in charging it. I could go for days without charging.
> Occasional use.
> With the new iPad I have to take care of this a bit more. There's no
> problem for me in using it whilst charging, by the way. It charges fine.
> But only if you use the supplied 2A charger or the 1.2A port of the Mac.
> My 0.5A USB charging port, mounted in a wall on the other hand doesn't
> charge the iPad whilst its in use. It also takes ages for the battery to
> charge with it... overnight it doesn't go from 0 to 100%.
> In some ways I feel the new iPad is a bit like the original iPad. It
> stretches tech to a new level, so there are some more noticeable downsides.
> With the original iPad it was performance. With the new iPad it is energy
> management. The iPad 2 was 'perfect' in that it was faster but didn't
> require much more energy. It also didn't carry the wow-factor as the
> original iPad did when it just got launched. I expect the next ipad to be a
> bit the same — an optimized iPad 3.
> My biggest gripe: why are there no USB hubs out there which can supply 2A
> of power?
> --
> Joost Schuttelaar
> The Hague, NL
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