Music video i've been working on
Peter Korsten
Mon Oct 24 00:27:32 CEST 2011
Op 23-10-2011 23:49, Andrew Tarpinian schreef:
> Side note - my major pet peeve is the opening shot, I think the camera work is unacceptable but I'm not allowed to cut it. Wondering if anyone else thinks it's a distractingly bad shot as well?
Yep, it gives me a Blair Witch vibe. It's totally out of touch with the
rest of the video, which has been made with an obviously great amount of
care, and emphasis on mood and detail.
Also, what's the point of it? Is it supposed to get across a feeling of
alienation, because of the way that you have to think a bit before you
recognise Grand Central Terminal? But don't explain: if you have to
explain, you've already lost.
To have this as your opening shot is going to be a challenge when it
comes to securing funding, in my opinion.
Another minor niggle: I find the out-of-focus areas just before the four
minute mark very difficult to look at: the background is in focus, but
the fountain isn't? Odd, to say the least. Perhaps it's intended to be a
dream sequence or something, but it's overdone.
Finally, the New Deco Orchestra logo is simply gorgeous - there's no
other word for it - but the 'A Return To Elegance' is completely the
wrong typeface. The logo has lighting effects; the text doesn't. The
logo has typically 30's typefaces and imagery; the text doesn't. It's
like seeing Hercule Poirot drive a Jaguar E-type.
But as I and others have mentioned, it's impressive what you guys have made.
- Peter
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