Book recommendation
The Dong
Sat Oct 22 10:48:40 CEST 2011
On 22/10/2011 09:29, The Dong wrote:
> Who funds Amnesty International?
It's not even really a funding matter.
All organisations are infiltrated and controlled.
All organisations are subject to the rules and laws created to control
them. I have first hand experience of this interference. So does anyone
else who can see beyond 'the box' and isn't of a child mentality.
It is like we all have aspirations to create business, a company, or an
organisation, which may in turn make us wealthy, or at least sustain us,
but in reality, we merely end up following the reams of regulations,
taxation, direct interference, threats and laws that limit and attempt
to steer us away from the original goals, which may have initially been
for purely charitable reasons, or to try and do some good in the world.
Don't be naive. If you go against your funding source stipulations,
don't expect any future funding. As the largest sources of funding are
government controlled, or proffered from the multitude of banking
demons, even though they were never meant to be so, there you have it in
a nutshell.
In the end, it's either follow those routes and throw away your
compassion and empathy, be a stooge of your masters, or lower your
expectations and make do with getting by, whether that be by being
'poor' through choice (that's me for 20 years, though I am very
content), limiting the size of your business (less or zero external
funding means little direct interference, but limits expansion
capability) or utilising the many holes in regulations to divert monies
via those methods one can only learn by experience and the, mostly
diffuse, deeds of those who govern us and do exactly this.
Just my learn'ed opinion ;)
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