Upgraded to iPad2, my old iPad is available in case anyone ..

Wed Oct 5 09:44:13 CEST 2011

> I decided to keep my 1st gen, I love it so much I had no desire to upgrade. + it's nice to have for dev stuff.

Yeah, I can see how that might be the case.  I actually prefer the feel of the 1st gen when reading in bed .. my new iPad2 got uncomfortable to hold after about 10 minutes (the edge is too thin, it sort of cuts into my had..)

Kind of weird for me, but I'm considering taking it back and just sticking with the original iPad.  

> But looking to replace my droid with what gets announced today* - after 2 years I'm over android.

After a year of hacking on Android and iOS, I tend to swing the other way - I'd rather have a full Android suite than an Apple setup, if but for one minor annoying factor: audio on Android just utterly sucks shit.

Jay Vaughan

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