Ultravox Mr X "cover"

Sat Nov 19 18:53:16 CET 2011

Andrew Robinson said:

> Really enjoying this one, fantastically close to the original sonically, and very funny too.

You have an excellent sense of humour! :) 

> Hugely impressed by the violin work, and more so knowing it's not an experienced player!

But I cheated...

> The only thing I'd change is the reverbs, somehow they sounded a lot nicer on the original... This might be a good time to plug my latest purchase, the ValhallaRoom and ValhallaShimner plug ins, amazingly good reverbs (and regular no cost upgrades!). Thanks to whoever tipped me off about them (pretty sure it was on this list?), they do sound great.

I listened to it on speakers, and noticed I still need to do some tweaking. Too heavy on the bass. I've also been missing a really good reverb (have freeware only) so I might try that one out before I archive it and pronounce it Done. So thanks for the tip!



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