Hard drives

Peter Korsten EMAIL HIDDEN
Fri Nov 11 22:37:24 CET 2011

Op 11-11-2011 22:00, The Dong schreef:

> In case anyone hadn't noticed, the flooding in Thailand will upset the
> supply of hard drives. So, if you are in the market for one, or buying a
> new system, expect to be charged accordingly.

Yup, read that too.

> I was about to build a system for a friend, and just noticed this in
> effect already. It might be until next June before stock is flowing at
> levels again.

"Flowing"? An unfortunate choice of words. :)

But since I've still got some 400 GiB free on my 1.5 TB (in reality, 
1.36 TiB) disc, and my wife's 2 TB disc is still very much empty, 
there's no immediate issue.

- Peter

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