Västerås Music-bar Meeting

Peter Korsten EMAIL HIDDEN
Mon May 30 22:48:03 CEST 2011

Op 30-5-2011 18:00, Romain / rXg schreef:

> It� sounds very good but I don t know if I will be free or if i will
> have enough money for the trip ...

Ryanair are having a seat sale from midnight, at €9.99 a flight for 
flights in July on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. I just might book 
my flight in just over an hour.

Mikael, would I need to take something like a sleeping bag? Because that 
would add another €30 to the ticket price for luggage. Hoping to pack 
everything in hand luggage... although I might just go for the luggage 
anyway, to save me a lot of trouble.

- Peter

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