Västerås Music-bar Meeting

Mon May 30 11:01:26 CEST 2011

On Mon, 2011-05-30 at 01:27 +0200, Gert van Santen wrote:
> Op 30-5-2011 1:20, Joost Schuttelaar schreef:
> > And of course, I/we will be there! :) sounds awesome... who else? :)
> Me - 95 % sure.
> Gert

Alternative universe Jay # 239239 will be there too, but real life Jay
(#1) will be hanging out here in Sunny Ol' Austria, watching amazing
growth, tuning into the music-bar now and then for updates on what you
guys get up to.  I'm sure its going to be really good and I think its
fantastic that another soon-to-be-famous music-bar meeting is happening!


ibi sum
::: :::

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