The cost of being on-line

Joost Schuttelaar EMAIL HIDDEN
Fri Jun 24 11:25:10 CEST 2011

On Jun 24, 2011, at 7:31 , Peter Korsten wrote:

> Since there are quite a few environmentally conscious people on this 
> list, who also use the modern internet-based tools at our disposal, the 
> following link is food for thought:

Yeah! It is quite bad. And there are *BIG* savings to be easily made. By going from two dedicated (web)servers to two virtual servers we save lots of energy. About 70% reduction.

Main reason is actually that the dedicated servers were overpowered, even though they were just simple dual core machines. We run everything from on two times 1 core with a few gigs of RAM now. And data is in a shared SAN.

Basically reducing the number of spinning disks, PSU's, motherboards, CPU cores, NICs and all the rest... easy too!


Joost Schuttelaar
The Hague, NL

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