Broken Kindle

Tue Jul 26 17:39:19 CEST 2011

It's the screen that was cracked when it was donated to me.
I'm not surprised, there's nothing protecting it!
Just as an experiment, I managed to further crack the screen just by 
putting (not extreme) pressure on the edges with my thumb and forefinger!

Needless to say, I DO NOT recommend the Kindle.

But, what to do with one? (ver 2)

I know it's possible to get root access on these devices and open up 
networking, telnet etc. I've even read some optware works on it.

But again. What would it be useful to run on such a device?
It is as powerful as the best router, with (up to) 2 GB of NAND and a 
Freescale 532-MHz ARM-11 chip with 128 MB of RAM.

I am going to attempt hacking the thing at some point but, not to repeat 
myself, what could it be good for?

Suggestions? ;)

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