
K9 Kai Niggemann EMAIL HIDDEN
Sun Jan 9 16:07:15 CET 2011

On 09.01.2011, at 15:53, punkdISCO wrote:

> So, you going to mod it?  

I will look into it. Korg opensourced the schemtics, so it should be easy to find suggestions for mods online. 

> A few weeks back I saw some guy offering mods
> (midi and filter control I believe) installed for 50euro.  He will actually
> supply you with a Monotron + mods for 100 euro so you don't even have to
> send him one..

I don't think I want MIDI, even. You can already control the filter, so I'm not sure what that mod would be? different filters like BP, HP?

> I would be pretty tempted if I did not have a MS20.

I have one, too, but it's harder to carry around... ;)

for 50 EURs (I guess I got a good deal), it's a wonderful thing and even almost an instrument. I already started to use it as a controller for Max/MSP, analyzing the incoming signal from the monotron with fiddle~...;) geeking out on a sunday morning..;)


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