Waveburner destroys files

K9 Kai Niggemann EMAIL HIDDEN
Wed Jan 5 12:05:04 CET 2011

Helo Romain, 

unfortunately I have no new insights besides that it seems to occur with 24 Bit files, but not with the same files when I convert them to 16 Bits first with iZotope RX2.

Gert (who mastered the files for us) says he has no problems with them on his machine, so that's rather puzzling.

It looks like it's not limited to Waveburner though. Some programs can play the files, others destroy them upon opening. Among the destroyers is (very weird!) Soundcloud. When I upload it to there, I get the exact same results as when I try Waveburner or Toast.

iTunes, Finder and Quicktime play back the files just fine.


On 04.01.2011, at 18:55, Romain / rXg wrote:

> Hi Kai, 
> I got also some issues with Waveburner specially after  burning the cd ... 
> Some digital distortions appear in some tracks but not all ....
> I dont really know what to do ... 
> Do you have any alternatives since your problem occurs ?

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