Interesting app
Fri Dec 23 01:35:11 CET 2011
On Thursday 22 December 2011 20:31:03 moron wrote:
> Any chance the synth author doesn't know that code is there? As in, that came
> in from some other library or via copy and paste of example code? Seems like
> a strange vector to try to control others machines. . .if you wanted that
> wouldn't you just seed filesharing sites with backdoored apps, do a spam run,
> look for Wordpress installs, etc.?
I think he knows :)
Here's an excerpt from the FAQ:
> Wassup with the IRC bot?
> You connect to an IRC channel with the din IRC bot. Once connected, other users on that channel can execute commands & scripts on your din by messaging your bot: * Now talking on #din-bots * bob sets channel keyword to come2me * alice-bot (~nobody@[ip-address-witheld]) has joined #din-bots {bob} alice-bot: key {alice-bot} key C at 261.625 Hz tonic@ 261.625 Hz distance -0.000 Hz {bob} alice-bot: key D {bob} alice-bot: key {alice-bot} key D at 293.665 Hz tonic@ 293.665 Hz distance 0.000 Hz
> In this IRC chat session at, bob (say in the USA) creates an IRC channel called #din-bots with the password come2me. alice (from say Russia) runs din and joins #din-bots as alice-bot using din's bot command. bob messages alice-bot with the din command key. alice-bot executes it on her din's console and relays the response back for bob to see. bob thinks note D will sound better than note C so he messages alice-bot with the command key D. alice-bot executes it but there is no response for bob to see. bob wants to find out if his command had any effect so he messages alice-bot again with the command key. alice-bot responds with the current key of her din which is indeed the note D. bob is pleased.
> The din IRC bot is an experimental feature to explore collaborative ways of making music, remote support, telemetry etc. It never connects to any IRC channel on its own. You must explictly command din to connect to an IRC channel with the bot command. And din never connects to the internet except thru this IRC bot. Because din is free software, you can verify this by reading din's source code. However, once connected, the din bot exposes your whole file system so bob can wipe out alice's files:{bob} alice-bot: exec rm -rf ~ {alice-bot} F**K you M#@$&()^#&*! I HATE YOU!!! {bob} too late babe, you are so p0wned :D So use it among friends, not enemies. And only connect to IRC servers that you own and control.
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