Android games
Jay Vaughan
Thu Dec 8 21:16:48 CET 2011
> So far as I know, all Android dev is Java-only, maybe some Flash. That
> really means you can't expect great performance. (Need to be able to write
> optmized HW code in most cases.)
This is not quite right. You can use C/C++ to write apps for Android, quite easily. Java is the 'main' supported language of choice for the platform, but the NDK is available to do native development, and the Android API's are available to NDK code through a binding to those wanting to do native C/C++ development and yet still access the Android platform features. Its quite possible to write high-performance native code for Android, but some of the Android API's (for sound, for example) are not designed that well, alas - thus the Audio issue thats made the rounds lately.
> Matt Seil
> Application Developer
I've been doing mobile development for the last year professionally, I've done a lot of Android work in the last 6 months (4 apps, including 2 that use the NDK), and at my new job (signed the contract today) I'll be in charge of a team creating cross-platform tools for simultaneous iOS/Android development .. thus my interest lately in things like moai and marantis3d and so on ..
Jay Vaughan
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