Supercollider front end

Tony Hardie-Bick EMAIL HIDDEN
Mon Aug 29 19:24:53 CEST 2011

On 29/08/11 18:02, K9 Kai Niggemann wrote:
> On 29.08.2011, at 10:05, Tony Hardie-Bick wrote:
>> Wow - almost exactly the sort of thing :)
> do you know <>? they have links to
> loads and loads of PD stuff, too, many people have ported their stuff both ways.

Nope. Didn't know about this specifically, although I'm aware that Max, pd and 
sc all three have exceeded (by far) my idea of critical mass, and so - while 
these are incredible phenomena, from a musician's point of view - it stands to 
reason that the number of resources is expanding combinatorially.

That's not to say they're perfect ;)

Tony (HB)

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