London/UK violence

Peter Korsten EMAIL HIDDEN
Mon Aug 15 01:07:53 CEST 2011

Op 15-8-2011 0:58, Andrew Robinson schreef:

> On 14 August 2011 23:54, Peter Korsten<peter at>  wrote:
>> Op 15-8-2011 0:16, The Dong schreef:
>> That, at least, I agree with. Hey, let's privatise all the railways! Result:
>> the UK has the most expensive and least safe railway system in western
>> Europe.
> To be fair to Maggie, it was shit before it was privatised too!

Yeah, I know. I blame the electoral system. And look what happened after 
Labour's latest tenure: a MASSIVE budget deficit. I actually had to 
blink when I saw the figure.

>> And whilst some industries fared better than others, Thatcher's
>> policy was based more on ideology than provable facts.
>> Thing is, I don't trust either of the two main parties in the UK. Both make
>> a mess.
> The Liberals (the 3rd party here) was probably even less trusted than
> the big two at the moment.

Hey, but Nick Clegg speaks Dutch fluently! :)

> Personally, I voted for me :-)

Smart move. :)

- Peter

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