had enough of mac, looking for new OS and laptop

Wed Aug 3 10:34:16 CEST 2011

> downloading it now :)
> I had 10.4

Great!  FWIW, I was running 10.10 quite stably for months .. the ugprade to 11.04 was a huge dilemna, because Ubuntu really made some dodgy moves there, and it took me a week to get my system stable again -- had to remove Unity, install Gnome3 (which also comes with its own problems) .. things have settled now, but I would not want you to go through what I did, Mr. Maddox .. its a thread I wouldn't relish reading a week from now. :)

> Well, I have tried... however the mac doesn't seem to like my USB
> programmer... I've tried a new version (AVR Dragon) and that just
> sucks on anything, including a windows desktop..
> So I've bought myself a genuine AVR ISP MkII (I was using a clone) in
> the hope that the Mac will pass through to the VM (it didn't with the
> "clone" as it didn't have a driver for it).

Ah, this will work - we have the same AVR ISP hardware here at work, and nobody uses anything other than VM's to program .. so let me know if you run into problems.  BTW, make sure you're using the latest Virtualbox (you have to install it manually..)

> If it works, I'll stick with OSX for webby stuff and music and use the
> ubuntu VM for development.

Good plan, this can be set up so that it works well.

> It'll be interesting to see how much faster my macbook goes with an
> SSD and 8Gb of ram (due tomorrow).

You are going to be very, very happy I think.  The speed difference is light-years ahead of what you've experienced now.. 

Jay Vaughan

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