Chaining DAT Recorders

Sat Apr 23 12:46:15 CEST 2011

>From the days I heard music played from DAT, I have always loved the sound.
Warm, clean and that je ne sais quoi quality about it. I later learned about
AD/DA converters and that was what gave the DAT its "sound". Now that DAT
recorders are a dime a dozen, I've managed to score 2 Panasonic SV-4100 and
a Tascam DA30MKII. I would like to experiment chaining them together to pass
a signal through the AD/DA converters using the spdif and analog inputs.
Before I go rush out to buy more spdif cables, I'm wondering if there would
be any benefit by doing this? Will I get a super fat coloured and saturated
sound or will I just add more noise and end up with crap?? Any opinions?

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