Time for some changes

K9 Kai Niggemann EMAIL HIDDEN
Fri Sep 24 11:54:09 CEST 2010

On 23.09.2010, at 18:02, ibi sum wrote:

>> what are you planning to study there?
> Something hardware/electronics related.  I've been told I can attend any
> classes at the TU that I want, just gotta work out how and which ones ..
> and get time allocated for it from my employer (which is cool, also..)

Ja, that's really cool. good luck and enjoy!

I find it very interesting to teach people the stuff that I have been doing for years, too. I had several interns for theater projects over the years, and the first time I had one, she was just out of school after getting a degree as a sound engineer. And not from SAE, but from a German state music academy... It was a bit scary for me at first since I thought "What should I be able to teach her??"

but then it turned out, she knows everything about EQs, microphones, compressors and everything else that makes recordings of large orchestras sound amazing. But sound-design? She had never given that a thought. 

It was through situations like that I realized how far I had come and how much I have learned, working in the field since 2000...


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