The question of questions

Gert van Santen EMAIL HIDDEN
Mon Oct 18 21:24:28 CEST 2010

Op 18-10-2010 12:42, K9 Kai Niggemann schreef:
> What do I do about mastering?
> 1. read this book and DIY:
> 2. send it out to have it done
> 	if 2. please specify whereto_____________________
> please fill in the blank and reply...

Kai, If you're good at mixing, and your budget is limited, and 
you're going to release your album on line, you might want to try 
it yourself first. If it all goes tits up, you can always hire a 
mastering studio.

And I'm sure that for example Martin and me would love to give it 
a try, just for fun, or at least comment on what you've come up with.



gert van santen

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