
Wed Nov 24 23:41:11 CET 2010

On 24/11/2010 22:16, Gert van Santen wrote:
> That's cool, Dongster! Very nice camera. Let's hope he'll make
> some cool vidz of his band... :-)

Sadly, Pube Soup dissolved a long time ago and J has been through his 
solo career performing in various pubs, before even reaching legal 
drinking age, and is now reaping no royalties ;)

He's at a stage where his job sucks, all clubs who have live music for 
local musicians simply do not pay their performers, under the guise of 
permanent fixtures of 'talent' nights (I blame Simon Cowell solely for 
this cheapskate BS) and he doesn't know what to do next. College looks 
like his next move, either art, music, broadcasting or photography, but 
I do tell him to be certain not to pick something he may end up hating 
through boredom or incomprehension (like computers or engineering)

Anyway. I'm not a very good role model in the career sense, because I 
don't believe having a fixed life-long career is healthy, natural, nor 
enforceable through a government propaganda campaign (school)


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