Castor, Radioactivity, Green Energy, Kraftwerk

Sun Nov 7 00:07:20 CET 2010

> You can be self sufficient with a small installation if you lower your need a lot. It's not impossible, depends of the house and about what you're fine with dropping out. With more need, you'll need a mix of solutions.

I figure I can get a lot of my technology devices either solar-powered or wind powered in a year or so.  The standardization on 5v 500ma for charging what are now becoming adequately powerful machines, is a good one ..

> Some basics (I'm rather lettered in this, damn politics ;) and I've searched a lot for the cabin in the Alps)

Cool!  Cabins in the Alps is another one of my favourite subjects right now! :)

> - solar: prefer thermic to voltaic, works everywhere, everyday, even in Sweden. Voltaic can be really tricky and easy to misinstall. Now, a good install in Malta should be rocking. ;) But it costs in voltaic to be powerful, so think more as sustainability/emergency than day by day full load especially if you can mix.

Great tips! 

> Small windmills are "toys", think "big" so at least a kW or more, and the more is the better, especially if you can resale.

Its going to have to be a community thing in our neighborhood, I've since learned.  Well, its very interesting to consider the possibilities!

Solar panels, first, I guess .. 

> Avoid any model that is promising you to go beyond the Betz limit… A serious windmill has an efficiency of 40-44% or less. More is NOT serious.'_law

Superb tip!

> - microturbins you need a decent source of water (say some l/s) and a fall of a few meters, I'm not sure Malta is the place for it…

This is very fascinating to me since I live next to the Donau and know of a fair decent number of water sources to play with .. have you seen any of the portable micro-turbines for portable (i.e. AA-battery charging) by any chance?

There are a number of tributaries in my neighborhood that I figure might be good for at least a few easy charges of the recylables I'm already using in a lot of kit ..

> - biomass: I'm not competent

We have a warm compost in the back yard with which I will be getting quite competent in spring, for sure! :)

> - Vacuum energy: you have a working patent you're rich!

If only there were a way to harness farts, then I'd be rich!

> If you start from scratch, think about a low voltage system, with lights in 12 or 24 V, and eventually the fridge. It'll be easier to handle for you.

This is in alignment with my needs vis-a-vis wohn-wagon plans.  

(apropos, I've got a few appointments to look at a few nice cheap wohn-wagons this week, gonna be a fun vacation day for me and the kid.. ;)

> But if you produce more than sufficiency, go 220 V to sale to the regular furnisher if possible, even if the regulations can be a little costlier.

If this is viable at some point in the next 2 or 3 years, for sure I would love to do this.

> I've written down all I could think of without drowning you, if you have any question, just ask.

Great advice .. when are you going to the Alps next? :)

Jay Vaughan

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