british elections

Thu May 6 14:48:47 CEST 2010

Joost Schuttelaar wrote:
>> I won't vote.
> And a LibDem vote to get the voting system to change, so that new parties can get a say?

The Lib Dems are just a backup for when the shit gets really bad and 
both of the big parties are really hated. By the time the next general 
election comes along, everything will be worse, intentionally or 
otherwise, and the big guys will waltz back in claiming all the problems 
were due to the last Lib Dem government, hehe.

Plus. I trust that Clegg about as far as I could throw him using only my 
pinky, on my left hand, the one that I broke many years ago playing 
British Bulldogs. It's the only bone I've broken, apart from, maybe, my 
backbone ;) Stick him as leader of the Cons, who'd know the difference?

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