MIDI Foot Controller

Gert van Santen EMAIL HIDDEN
Thu Mar 11 10:36:15 CET 2010

Gert van Santen schreef:
> Andrew Tarpinian schreef:
>> I want to pick up a midi pedal board, mostly for triggering things
>> Anyone hate this Behringer?
>> http://www.zzounds.com/item--BEHFCB1010
> I've got a Roland/Boss pedal because I could get it S/H cheap, 
> but I've heard a couple of good things about the Behringer.
>> Speaking of which, what is taking Behringer so long to come out with  
>> the Behringharp Omega ($299)? lazy slackers
> Don't even know what it is. Let's see if it can get my GAS 
> hormones all crazy...

Hmm, can't find any links...



G e r t   v a n   S a n t e n
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